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Attendees may register & provide payment for a maximum of (4) webinars/courses at one time. To register for additional webinars/courses, please start a new cart.Current Drug Trends and Emerging Drugs of AbuseFriday, April 26, 2024, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Live Interactive Online Webinar Course DescriptionMany new drugs are making local and national headlines such as K2/Spice and Bath Salts. This interactive webinar will discuss the latest developments and information regarding synthetic cannabinoids, MDPV, Mephedrone, Kratom, Salvia and other designer drugs that have been emerging over the past few years. Webinar participants will be introduced to the physiology of these drugs and how they can possibly impact, mimic and exacerbate mental health disorders such as anxiety and depressive disorders. Epidemiologic trends in drug abuse in both youth and adults will be discussed as will the latest trends from the New Jersey Division of Addiction Services. Webinar participants will participate in interactive discussions and exercises in differential diagnosis of similar symptoms produced by these emerging drugs of abuse and other mental health disorders. Patterns of use, abilities for urine detection, and other legal aspect regarding these emerging drugs will be discussed. [This webinar will complete your prescription opioid social work license requirement.] | $60.00 | |
Subtotal | $60.00 | |