Introduction to Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP) for Mental Health Practitioners was added to your shopping cart. You have 1 class in your Shopping Cart.
Attendees may register & provide payment for a maximum of (4) webinars/courses at one time. To register for additional webinars/courses, please start a new cart.Introduction to Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP) for Mental Health PractitionersThursday, June 6, 2024, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Live Interactive Online Webinar Course DescriptionThis webinar seeks to provide mental health practitioners with an overview of Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP) as it stands today, including the use of ketamine, MDMA and psilocybin. The field of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy is changing and evolving, with new laws being introduced across the country at a rapid pace. This webinar will include a brief history of psychedelics and the field of psychology in the US, as well as ethical considerations and an overview of current legal limitations and laws. Our presenters will discuss the anatomy of a PAP session, harm reduction in the field of psychedelic work, cultural concerns and considerations, as well as increasing accessibility for under-served populations. Special consideration will be paid to the importance of preparation and integration work for all clients, which providers qualify to provide PAP, the role of “sitters” or non-licensed practitioners, clients who make good PAP referrals, and mental health challenges and issues which may be helped or improved by PAP. Finally this webinar will explore PAP clinics and retreats, both domestic and abroad. | $60.00 | |
Subtotal | $60.00 | |