
Advocacy and Collaboration Skills in Case Management

ID: 4505WEB

This highly interactive and fast-moving course assists participants in examining impediments to working with others and assisting the understanding working relationships. Discover strategies you can immediately use to work more effectively and efficiently together. Learn how to work more effectively with individuals from other organizations and how to assess the functionality of the organization you work with and in. Identify the stages of group development and the benefits of each stage as you gain insights into assessing the capacity of working with different individuals and organizations. Gain tools for working more effectively together in both collaborative and advocacy roles. Examine the differences between advocacy and collaboration and why knowing that difference is vital to your professional interactions. Learn to identify and overcome some of the impact of our technological world and why it profoundly impacts some individuals. [Required for Case Management Certificate Program]

Fee: $60.00
Continuing Ed. Hours (CEH): 3.0 General

Instructor: John Kriger, MSM
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm ET
Location: Live Interactive Online Webinar

Instructor: Linda Meisel, LCSW
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Live Interactive Online Webinar

Webinar Objectives

At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain Tuchman's stages of group development
  • Outline three ways in which family of origin experience affects their ability to join and function within a group setting
  • Explain four impediments individuals Face which may create difficulty in joining groups
  • Give examples as to how advocacy and collaboration are similar
  • Outline three steps for creating a functional compatibility assessment
  • Contrast four ways in which advocacy and collaboration are different

    Webinar Outline

    10:00 am Welcome/Introduction

    10:35 am Overview & Three Deep Breaths

    11:05 am Tuckmans Stages of Group Development

  • Why do we have problems working together?
  • Dynamics of functional organizational behaviors

    10:35 am Compatibility Assessment: before attempting to work together

    11:55 am What has been your experience when collaborating?
  • Expectancy Theory
  • Mind Mapping Recommendation
  • Expansive Reality

    12:25 am Advocacy vs. Collaboration
  • Turned on but tuned out!
  • What does it take to develop trusting relationships?
  • Vision Development
  • You may be the most difficult person you will ever have to work with!
  • Exploring "Followership" skills
  • Brainstorming
  • Dialoguing

    1:00 pm Conclusion/Q&A

    Target Audience

    Social Workers and Allied Professionals

    Content Level

    Beginner - Advanced

    Webinar Completion Requirements

    To earn CE credit, social workers must log in at the scheduled time, attend the entire course and complete an online course evaluation. Certificates of completion will be emailed within 10 business days of course completion.

    System Requirements

    • Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher
    • Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher
    • Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible.

    About the Instructors

    John Kriger, MSM, is a nationally and internationally recognized keynote and content expert speaker, author, and consultant. As President of Kriger Consulting, Inc., he specializes in the health services arena. He speaks and consults with health care agencies, hospitals, schools, treatment programs and agencies on Tech Dependence, Advocacy Through Public Speaking, Audience Engagement, Transformational Leadership, and Stress Reduction. John is the author of, The Pond: A Small Book About Making Big Changes, which was a required reading for the Johnson and Johnson School Health Leadership Institute. His second book, Turned On & Tuned Out, A Guide to Understanding and Managing Tech Dependence. His third book is currently in process and deals with impact of technology on mental health issues, violence, suicide, trafficking and predatory behavior.

    Linda Meisel LCSW is a Principal at LFM Solutions a not-for-profit management consulting firm based in Princeton, New Jersey. LFM solutions specializes in not-for-profit strategic planning, board governance training and education, coaching for Executive Directors, and reorganization strategies for not-for-profit agencies. She has been the Executive Director of several not-for-profit agencies focusing on families. She teaches several offerings for the Office of Continuing Education at the School of Social Work. She has led workshops at both regional and national conferences focusing on board governance.

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