
Managing Family Dynamics in Caring for Older Adults

ID: 1160WEB

As individuals continue to live longer lives, they many need increased supports from family members and the community. This webinar will describe and discuss the multiple dimensions of family responses to caregiving for an aging relative. This will include an exploration of the challenges of potential sibling conflict, the role of marital partners, grandchildren and others in providing care for an elderly relative. Using case examples, this webinar will teach professionals how to identify family patterns and identify interventions that can help provide strategies for families so they can develop a productive working relationship and a course of action for care of their older adult family member. [Elective for Gerontology Certificate Program]

Fee: $60.00
Continuing Ed. Hours (CEH): 3.0 General

Instructor: Linda Meisel, LCSW
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Live Interactive Online Webinar

Webinar Objectives

At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate how to create an intergenerational family caregiving genogram to identify patterns of family dynamics
  • Apply a knowledge of the 7 key documents necessary for caregiving planning
  • Explain in collaboration with the family members a family caregiving plan
  • List 4 key resources for Older Adults that will inform their families about their goals for care plans

    Webinar Outline

    9:30 am Welcome & Introduction

    9:35 am Overview of Family Caregiving and Key Issues related to Family Dynamics

    10:05 am Group Activity/Breakout Room; Creating an Intergenerational Family Caregiving Model

    10:20 am Follow up discussion from Break out room activity

    10:35 am Caregiver self-assessment and Caregiver Stress

    10:50 am Essential Family Documents related to Caregiving a family member

    11:05 am Resources for Older Adults to inform family members of their preferences of care

    11:35 am Group Activity/Breakout Room, Family Dynamics activity. Each breakout room will have a family dynamics scenario to discuss and plan for a social work intervention

    11:50 am Discussion of Break out room activity

    12:05 pm Digital resources and interventions for family caregivers

    12:20 pm Conclusion/Q&A

    Target Audience

    Social Workers and Allied Health Professionals

    Content Level

    Beginner - Advanced

    Webinar Completion Requirements

    To earn CE credit, social workers must log in at the scheduled time, attend the entire course and complete an online course evaluation. Certificates of completion will be emailed within 10 business days of course completion.

    System Requirements

    • Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher
    • Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher
    • Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible.

    About the Instructor

    Linda Meisel LCSW is a Principal at LFM Solutions a not-for-profit management consulting firm based in Princeton, New Jersey. LFM solutions specializes in not-for-profit strategic planning, board governance training and education, coaching for Executive Directors, and reorganization strategies for not-for-profit agencies. She has been the Executive Director of several not-for-profit agencies focusing on families. She teaches several offerings for the Office of Continuing Education at the School of Social Work. She has led workshops at both regional and national conferences focusing on board governance.

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