
Attachment Theory: A Helpful Framework for Understanding and Intervening with Placed At-Risk Children and Families

Formerly titled: Understanding and Intervening with At-Risk Children & Families. Secure attachment has been found to be associated with better social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of children. Maternal sensitivity is thought to be a major contributor to the development of a secure attachment. This webinar will provide participants with an introduction to attachment theory and its relevance to clinical practice with at risk children and their families. Important contributors to attachment theory, as well as their research will be reviewed, including John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth, and Harry Harlow. More recent research on attachment and neurobiology, particularly by Alan Schore will be discussed. Participants will learn about the importance of sensitivity in fostering a healthy parent-child relationship, thereby laying the foundation for future mental health. Participants will learn to evaluate parent-child interactions within the context of sensitivity, and will learn strategies to improve parental sensitivity. Cultural issues and their impact on parenting and sensitivity, as well as implications for the therapist-client relationship will also be discussed. [Required for Child & Adolescent Mental Health Certificate Program]

This webinar does not have any offerings for this semester.