
Aging: Policy and Economic Considerations

ID: 1006WEB

This is a three-part webinar which provides the foundational and contextual information for understanding the older adult population. The segments look at the evolution of social programs for the elderly and the values upon which they rest; the current economic and social policies addressing the needs of older adults and the services available to them on federal, state, and local levels. It addresses those segments of the population which are at risk, such as ethnic and racial minorities and women, and how their status affects their lives as older adults. Issues such as work and retirement, caregiving, end-of-life issues and projections of the needs and resources of older persons in the future are also explored. The program will include experiential exercises to demonstrate the interaction and interplay of these factors. [Required for Basic Gerontology Certificate Program]

Fee: $180.00
Continuing Ed. Hours (CEH): 9.0 General

Instructor: Stephen Sidorsky, LCSW
Dates: 4/24/25, 5/1/25, 5/8/25
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm ET
Location: Live Interactive Online Webinar

Webinar Objectives

At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe and define the evolution and current state of the needs and services of older Americans
  • Discuss a working understanding of programs such as Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, NJ programs for the elderly, as well as the impact of agism and social justice issues in services to this population
  • Identify evolving needs and envision future programs for older persons on a macro level

    Webinar Outline

    Day 1:
    9:30 am Welcome/Introduction
    9:35 am Approaches to understanding aging in our culture; Video: The Big Idea in 4 Minutes: Coming of Age in Aging America
    10:00 am Key Indicators of Well-Being Among Older Adults (2020) and demographic projections
    10:30 am Historical underpinnings and evolution of social and economic policies/programs in United States
    11:00 am Older American Act - development and ongoing goals
    11:30 am Structure of service provision for older adults: Area Agencies on Aging and how services are funded, accessed, and evaluated
    12:00 pm Exercise: Social Welfare vs. Social Control
    12:20 pm Conclusion/Q&A

    Day 2:
    9:30 am The Three Pillars of Retirement: Social Security, the pension system, savings, and investments: present and future
    10:30 am Medicare, Medicaid, and private sector responses to the medical and psychosocial needs of older adults;
    11:00 am Exercise: Who Gets the Healthcare?;
    11:45 am Current and future status, need for and solvency of Social Security, Medicare, and other programs for the aged
    12:20 pm Conclusion/Q&A

    Day 3:
    9:30 am Evolving and future needs of this population, changing demographics, the needs for and of caregivers
    10:30 am How social/economic policy will determine and determined by issues such as senior housing, end-of-life decision-making, and how to address the often-conflicting needs of the generations
    11:00 am Review of ethical issues that emerge the lives of older persons and their families
    11:45 am Exercise: Identifying Needed Changes in Agencies and Implementing Change
    12:20 pm Conclusion/Q&A

    Target Audience

    Social Workers and Allied Health Professionals

    Content Level

    Beginner - Advanced

    Webinar Completion Requirements

    To earn CE credit, social workers must log in at the scheduled time, attend the entire course and complete an online course evaluation. Certificates of completion will be emailed within 10 business days of course completion.

    System Requirements

    • Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher
    • Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher
    • Broadband Internet connection: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible.

    About the Instructor

    Stephen Sidorsky, LCSW, is a part-time lecturer at the Rutgers School of Social Work, where he teaches Clinical Social Work: Aging and Loss Across the Lifespan. In the Continuing Education Gerontology Program he teaches webinars on ethics, counseling with older adults, and economic policy and the elderly. He was previously the Director of the George Otlowski Center for Mental Health Care in Perth Amboy and at Jewish Family Services in Fair Lawn.

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