
Anti-Oppressive Practice is Violence Prevention Work

Former title: Incorporating Anti-Racism Practice into Violence Prevention Work. This webinar explores the ways that racism and oppression have shaped anti-violence movements and how we can dismantle these in our own work with clients, within our organizations and in our communities. Participants will discuss how systemic racism, intergenerational racial trauma and more shape survivor experiences and the ways in which the white mainstream violence against women movement have perpetuated these harms. Facilitators will guide participants through a self-assessment of individual and organizational practices and provide action steps to incorporating actively anti-racist, anti-oppressive principles into their everyday work as a form of primary violence prevention. This webinar was developed using an intersectional lens and seeks to amplify and prioritize voices of BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other marginalized participants. [Elective Violence Against Women Certificate Program]

This webinar does not have any offerings for this semester.