
Understanding and Treating Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Attendees of this webinar will gain a thorough understanding of the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for BDD, as well as the rationale for its inclusion in the new category of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders in the DSM 5. Symptoms most often identified, such as mirror checking/mirror avoidance, comparing and camouflaging will be reviewed, as will potential causal factors such as abuse, bullying and family dysfunction. This webinar will highlight treatment strategies, with an emphasis on cognitive-behavioral therapy, especially the use of exposure and response prevention therapy. Cognitive distortions and the importance of understanding core beliefs will also be addressed. However, BDD is not simply OCD about physical appearance and treatment needs to reflect that. In particular, the role of trauma is important to explore as many people suffering from BDD appear to have that in their background. In addition, the impact of COVID-19 on those with BDD will be discussed, especially in terms of social isolation and the use of video platforms, such as Zoom.

This webinar does not have any offerings for this semester.