
Motivational Interviewing Mini Certificate

Two Day Intensive Motivational Interviewing Mini Certificate:

Day 1 The Spirit and Four Tasks of Motivational Interviewing:
The first day will focus on enhancing foundational skills and knowledge of Motivational Interviewing in engaging and focusing on target behaviors with clients. The introduction to the ‘Spirit of MI’ will explore accurate empathy, barriers to effective engagement, and the model’s reliance on reflective listening. The learner will consider MI's application to a broad use of behavior changes ranging from health behaviors to substance use. Part one will offer a hands-on experiential learning approach with opportunity for role-plays, discussion, and case conceptualization. Learners will leave with a foundational and conceptual knowledge of Motivational Interviewing

Day 2: Skill Development and The Directional Nature of Motivational Interviewing
The second day of the program will be spent on enhancing technical skills through structured and semi-structured interventions intending to invite and acknowledge client change talk. Participants will explore the theoretical underpinnings of the intervention’s emphasis on evoking change talk. Learners will leave with an advanced knowledge of tangible clinical interventions to be utilized with clients, targeting collaboratively identified problem behaviors. Numerous learning techniques will be implemented, including lecture, demonstration, interactive role plays, and audio/visual learning aids.

The Consultation phase will consist of six, two-hour skill development/consultation sessions via Zoom. Participants will complete the small group consultation over six to ten weeks. Times and dates of the consultation sessions will be collaboratively arranged after the two-day virtual training between participants and trainer/consultant. Consultation groups will consist of six members to ensure a small, intimate practice environment. Contemporaneously, to the consultation phase, participants will complete and submit three audio samples demonstrating Motivational Interviewing skills. The samples will be coded using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity Code (MITI version 4.2). Each participant will arrange four individual meetings with the program facilitator during the twelve-week consultation phase to be used for individualized feedback.

Participants will be required to obtain their own copy of Building Motivational Interviewing Skills by David Rosengren (1st or 2nd edition, though 2nd edition is strongly recommended). Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change and Grow by William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick (4th ed) is also strongly recommended, though not required. Any questions, please email us at

This webinar does not have any offerings for this semester.