
Browse All Current Workshops

School Law and Students Rights: What New Jersey Social Workers Should Know

Working in school can be a very rewarding opportunity for school social workers. However, when a social worker is in a host organization such as a school, there may be different rules and requirement...

15 Mind-Body, Somatic Techniques to Quiet the Neurological Landscape

This is an all day webinar from 9:30am to 3:30pm. All emotions are felt in the body, yet the physicality of stress is often ignored as a point of therapeutic intervention. We intuitively hold a cryi...

5 Non-Medication, Non-Addictive,Ways to Release Pain,The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Tapping

At least one third of the adult population deals with pain in their life. Pain medications may be as much as 70% of the gateway to the Opioid Abuse Crisis. In this highly experiential webinar, you wi...

Addressing Vicarious Trauma in Organizations

The impact of secondary and vicarious trauma on workers who provide services in settings with complex populations is not a new concept. Frequent exposure to the trauma experiences of others increase...

Advocacy and Collaboration Skills in Case Management

This highly interactive and fast-moving course assists participants in examining impediments to working with others and assisting the understanding working relationships. Discover strategies you can...

An Introduction to Developmental Disabilities

Formerly titled: An Introduction to Developmental Disabilities and Social Work Practice To better serve individuals with developmental disabilities in all settings, it is important for social ...

Assessment and Differential Diagnosis of Children

This four-part webinar seeks to enhance the clinician's ability to diagnose child mental disorders accurately and comprehensively. We will address two major topic areas: 1) the key factors in accurat...

Attachment Based Parenting Approaches in Adoption

In this interactive and clinical webinar, participants will explore how missing and disrupted attachments impact adopted children’s behaviors. Participants will identify symptoms of impaired a...

Attachment Theory: A Helpful Framework for Understanding and Intervening with Placed At-Risk Children and Families

Formerly titled: Understanding and Intervening with At-Risk Children & Families. Secure attachment has been found to be associated with better social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of children. ...

Attachment Theory: What's Love Got to Do With It?

Attachment research shows that when people fail to address childhood wounds, they end up repeating those attachment patterns into adulthood. Preoccupied, insecure, dismissive, and fearful attachment...

Best Practices in Nonprofit Budgeting

Formerly titled: Management of Budgeting and Finance Many social workers choose a clinical track in their graduate school program. For those who choose to work in non-profit organizations, pro...

Beyond Healing to Thriving: Posttraumatic Growth through Mindfulness, CBT and the Arts

This webinar will facilitate a better understanding of Posttraumatic Growth, how to encourage and promote it, and its implications to clinical practice and our communities. Participants will learn t...

Building and Engaging a High Performing Board of Directors

This webinar is designed to increase participants’ ability to organize and build a well-functioning, inclusive Board of Directors. We will explore the framework for Board development and share...

Building the Helping Relationship

The session provides concrete strategies and information to assist you in developing more impacting, beneficial and effective relationships with clients, coworkers, leadership and other organizations...

Bullies to Buddies

Since the tragedy of Columbine, schools have desperately attempted to eliminate the problem of bullying through strategies of punishing bullies, reinforcing the standard that bullying is wrong and by...

Challenging Stereotypes of Black Women

The Challenging Stereotypes of Black Women webinar is an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of the stereotypes and realities surrounding Black women -particularly the Angry Black Woman trope....

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders

The Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders training is a clinical webinar that reviews Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy theory and interventions. The thought-feeling-action...

Conceptualizing Crisis Intervention When Working with Adoptive Families

This webinar clearly presents the therapeutic nuances that must be comprehended when helping adoptive families work through crisis. Roberts' Seven-Stage Model of Crisis Intervention is used as the fr...

Conflict: Friend or Foe?

This webinar will address conflict theory and interventions for use with clients, staff, board members, and our personal interactions. We will examine conflict as a motivator for change and discuss s...

Consideration of Ethical Boundaries in Social Work Practice

Maintaining proper ethical boundaries is essential to the establishment of a professional, collaborative, and helpful Social Work relationship with clients. This webinar will discuss various examples...

Core Issues in Clinical Supervision

This interactive webinar will focus on demonstrating major elements of clinical supervision in social work and counseling. Participants will have the opportunity to observe modeled activities, discu...

Creative Approaches to Coping with Self-Mutilation

The webinar is designed for clinicians who are seeking alternative interventions for their clients coping with self-harm behaviors. The intervention is the basis for a book published in 2010. Backgr...

Creative Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Anxiety

This highly experiential webinar draws from the fields of cognitive behavioral therapy, yoga, mindfulness, and expressive arts. We will explore creative strategies and activities for psychoeducation...

Current Drug Trends and Emerging Drugs of Abuse

Many new drugs are making local and national headlines such as K2/Spice and Bath Salts. This interactive webinar will discuss the latest developments and information regarding synthetic cannabinoids...

Dare to Lead

The world needs social workers who are willing to model transparency, vulnerability, and authenticity - foundational skills for cultivating conditions of equity, inclusion, and belonging. Based on th...

Dealing with Angry Students and Tantrums Effectively

It seems each year we are faced with more and more students who are getting angrier and angrier. Why are our students angry? How do we deal with students when they are annoyed, frustrated or otherw...

Dear Black Males...

This webinar will focus on the depiction of Black males in today’s world, including the unique issues Black males go through and face. We will examine cultural mistrust, which influences percep...

Developing a Culture of Philanthropy for your Nonprofit

Every organization has it’s own giving history, philanthropic values and expectations. In order for any non profit to thrive, the culture of philanthropy needs to create an environment in which...

Disordered Eating Across the Lifespan

This webinar is designed to highlight the field of eating disorder diagnoses and treatment. Participants will learn a historical perspectives on eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, as wel...

DSM-5-TR: What to Know and How to Apply It

This is a full day webinar. Competence in assessment and diagnosis is an ongoing area of development in clinical practice. For most practitioners, this requires having a solid understanding of the ...

Embracing Differences and Diversity in the Clinical Treatment of Children and Adolescents

Former titled: Dealing with Differences and Diversity in the Clinical Treatment of Children and Adolescents. This webinar addresses ethnic and cultural differences relevant to the assessment and trea...

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A Mind-Body Approach to the Anxiety Spectrum Disorders and Pain

This How-to Do-IT, neurologically informed workshop focuses on learning self-applied, meridian techniques to treat the anxiety spectrum disorders that includes GAD, Social Anxiety, Phobias, unwanted ...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Substance Abuse Counseling

This interactive webinar focuses on the major elements of legal issues surrounding counselors in working with patients who have substance use disorders. In this webinar, participants will learn about...

Ethical Dilemmas in Working with Older Adults

This webinar will present valuable information to professionals working with families who have an elderly relative. Participants will learn practical methods to identify and analyze ethical dilemmas...

Ethical Issues and Values in Violence Against Women Work

This webinar will examine the ethics and values involved with violence against women work for professionals in a variety of fields. Participants will leave this webinar with an understanding of the i...

Ethical Issues in Schools

This webinar will examine current ethical issues facing school social workers, guidance counselors, and teachers. Topics will be inclusive the various ethical dilemmas that can face mental health pro...

Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice

This is a 5 hour webinar. Knowledge of Ethic Issues is not only an intrinsic aspect of good Social Work practice, but it also serves as a Risk Management tool to protect both the worker and the clie...

Ethics of Trauma

Formerly titled: Ethics of Trauma and Disaster Response: Doing Right, Doing Good. Trauma, by definition, is unbearable and intolerable. It affects not only those who are directly exposed to it, but ...

Ethnogeriatrics: Working with Older Adults of Various Cultures

Formerly titled: Ethnogeriatrics. Understanding of an older adult's culture is essential to effective work with them and their family. In this webinar participants will learn about different cultures...

Ethnoracial Issues and Psychopharmacology

In the US, psychopharmacology has been in existence for approximately 70 years since the FDA approval of Thorazine (1952). Much of the research focus has been on group differences associated with age...

Family Treatment Approaches in Working with Trauma

When trauma impacts a family member the entire system is affected. This webinar will explore the intersection of the context and the impact of trauma on members of a family and the varied response of...

Financial Empowerment with Survivors

Violence against women comes in all forms, including physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse. The use of economic or financial abuse to control and manipulate a partner is a topic that has re...

Getting Beyond Blaming Self or Others - Becoming Factual about 500 Pound Gorilla Multigenerational Patterns

This webinar explores the Multigenerational Transmission Process, a Bowen family systems theory concept and how understanding the facts of a family across generations is a means of identifying persis...

Getting Unstuck: Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS Therapy offers clinicians of all orientations an unique, non-pathologizing perspective that can integrate with varied models for understanding and treating clients.

This webinar wil...

Girls of Color: Trauma and Punitive Response

The needs of girls of color are often overlooked, neglected or criminalized, particularly African American/black girls, leading to overrepresentation in school disciplinary actions, the pipeline to p...

Grieving Children and Teens: Creative Art Interventions for Individual, Group Work and Families

Common issues for grieving children will be explored, including factors affecting the grief response, how grief is expressed and understood at various developmental stages, needs of grieving children...

Group Treatment Approaches in Working with Trauma

Working together in a group atmosphere provides people who have survived a traumatic event with an opportunity to substantially cope with their reactions to this event. This webinar will help partic...

Handling Crisis in Case Management

Crisis intervention and crisis management are skills necessary to case managers. In this webinar, participants will learn how to identify an authentic crisis and assist clients in crisis. The element...

Harm Reduction: From Principles to Practice

This interactive webinar will discuss all aspects of harm reduction. Participants will be able to identify at least 3 principles of harm reduction work. Participants will be able to define harm reduc...

Helicopter Parenting while in Perpetual Conflict with an Underfunctioning Co-pilot . .. A Love Story

The Bowen family systems theory concept Nuclear Family Emotional Process describes the basic patterns of emotional functioning among and between members of two successive generations of a family - mo...

How to Avoid Getting Voted off the Island: Understanding and Managing Relationship Triangles

Remember your junior high cafeteria? If you generally artfully navigated through the dozens of relationship challenges, then skip this workshop. However, if those years still conjure up a bewilderi...

Human Resources Management

Human Resource administration can be an organization's biggest challenge. Successful management of human resources promotes and enhances the skills and abilities of employees by creating and engaging...

If it isn't in Writing, it Didn't Happen: Documentation to Protect Your Client, Yourself, and Your Organization

Documentation is vital part of the professional's responsibility; however, it is often given insufficient attention. Writing progress notes, reports & letters requires the human service professional ...

Implementing Trauma-Informed Practices in Your Workplace

Nearly all adults living in the United States will be exposed to some form of trauma in their lifetime, some of those traumas occurring during childhood. As mental health clinicians, we are at the fo...

Improving Networking Skills and Enhancing Interagency Relationships

When you think about networking you may think about individuals on the computer speaking to people they've never met. Yet today interpersonal networking is one of the most important skills for organi...

Incorporating Cultural Competence into Ethical Decision Making

This interactive webinar will explore several different perspectives regarding ethical decision making. It will examine the role of cultural competence in making ethical decisions and outline how the...

Jewish Trauma, Resilience, and Identity: Navigating a Post October 7 World

This webinar provides a foundation for clinicians aiming to develop cultural competence when working with Jewish clientele. The webinar begins with an introduction to Jewish culture, history, and val...

Leadership, Learning and Change: Improvising Out of Our Comfort Zone!

Former title: Change Leadership. There has never been a time in our lives where we have had to adapt to change as quickly or suddenly as we have had to do now. Even though we all know that change is...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision

This interactive webinar focuses on major legal and ethical issues involved in clinical supervision. Participants will have the opportunity to rate their own ethical and legal knowledge, discuss the ...

Legal Responses to Violence Against Women

As a result of participating in this webinar, participants will become aware of the state and federal laws related to various forms of violence against women, particularly sexual violence, domestic v...

Let's Talk about Opposition in Adolescence

Opposition in adolescence has become synonymous with oppositional defiant disorder. This view of opposition as a disorder is limiting and puts adults in conflict with youth. This webinar will focus...

Life Cycle Experience and Issues in the Adoption of Older Children

This webinar will explore issues commonly faced by children adopted in infancy. Topics include core issues of adoption at various ages and stages, differences between families formed by birth and by ...

Limiting the Disruption: Parents with Personality Disorders

Formerly titled: Interventions for Parents with Personality Disorders. Recognize the personality disorder traits (features) for dependent, borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. Identify ...

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Balancing Individuality & Togetherness in Key Relationships

Bowen family systems theory postulates that among the biologically-rooted drives within an organism, there are competing forces for individuality and togetherness. It is these forces that govern emot...

Living as a Multicultural Family: An Adoptive Family Perspective

When people choose to build a multicultural family through adoption, they incur the responsibility of redesigning their entire family's cultural identity. To succeed, parents must explore what it mea...

LSW/LCSW Examination Preparation Course

Our goal is to help bring new social workers into the profession, so we are now offering this prep course at no cost. It is wise to do everything you can to pass the license exam the first time. This...

Managing Change

The fast-changing world of human services organizations demands managers to be equally skilled in managing both for stability and for change. As the marketplace changes, as funders demand more and di...

Managing Differences and Challenging Dynamics in Clinical Supervision

Being able to successfully manage differences and challenges in supervision is a hallmark of the clinically prepared supervisor. In this interactive webinar some of the major reasons for challenges i...

Managing Family Dynamics in Caring for Older Adults

As individuals continue to live longer lives, they many need increased supports from family members and the community. This webinar will describe and discuss the multiple dimensions of family respon...

Medical and Legal Marijuana in NJ: Practice and Policy Issues

The goal of this interactive webinar is to identify the changes that have occurred in the NJ Medical Marijuana Program. The history of marijuana legalization and major events that have shaped this hi...

Mindful and Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Leadership is often learned through the role models you grow up and work with. This results in leadership experiences that are more often “caught than taught”. Is what you have “ca...

Mindfulness & Meditation: Helping You and Helping Others in a Health Crisis

Current literature shows that mindfulness and meditation benefits people in a myriad of ways. They are commonly used to decrease stress, anxiety and depression and improve sleep and overall health. W...

Models and Techniques in Clinical Supervision

The goal of this webinar is to provide a theoretically based, focused, and practical experience in the use of supervision models. This interactive workshop will focus on three different models of sup...

Motivational Interviewing: Foundations of Motivational Interviewing

This webinar is a review of motivational interviewing’s basic concepts and an update on changes made to the model over the past decade, including new research and insights. You will learn how ...

Motivational Interviewing: Inviting and Acknowledging Change Talk

This webinar is for clinicians seeking an advanced level of Motivational Interviewing (MI) training. The learner will consider MI's application to a broad use of behavior changes ranging from health ...

Navigating the Social Media Age: The Talk to Keep YOU Up to Date

Social Media is a BIG part of adolescents’ lives. This webinar program looks at the newest trends in social networking as well as the warning signs that providers, parents and caregivers sho...

Normality versus Pathology: An Exploration of Child Developmental Health

Former title: Normality or Pathology: An Exploration of Child Development and Mental Health Where does normality end and pathology begin? This question is especially pertinent for clinicians ...

Not Just Benzodiazepines: Alternative Treatments of Anxiety and Depression

The primary goal of this webinar is to explore non-pharmaceutical treatment of depression and anxiety. The number of people looking for non-pharmaceutical interventions is increasing in both the ps...

Opioids: How Do They Work and How Do We Help?

Opioid use has increased dramatically in the United States and across the globe. It is an issue for entire communities, not just for those professionals working in addiction medicine. This webinar wi...

Patriarchy: Men, Women and Power

Patriarchy continues to exert its influence, persisting in various forms across cultures. Despite significant progress in women’s rights, there are alarming signs that this system is far from b...

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Diagnosis, Current Research, and Providing Effective Treatment

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) occur in 1 in 5 pregnant mothers, and 1 in 7 new mothers. Experts agree that this statistic may be drastically underestimated, as more than 80% of new moms...

Play-Based Engagement, Rapport Building, and Assessment Techniques for Children

This webinar will explore play & art-based activities and techniques for engagement, rapport building, and assessment with children ages 6-17. We will review the concepts of attunement, attachment, ...

Practical Parenting Toolbox

The purpose of this webinar is to teach professionals an overview of practical, "ready to use" skills and parenting techniques. The overarching goal of the webinar is to help professionals hone tech...

Prescription Opioid Misuse and Dependence: What Social Workers Need to Know

This is a 1 hour webinar that will fulfill the 1 hour prescription opioid requirement. This webinar takes a look into prescription opioid misuse and dependence, including its role in the addiction an...

Prescription Opioid Misuse and Dependence: What Social Workers Need to Know

This webinar takes a deep dive into prescription opioid misuse and dependence, including its role in the addiction and overdose crisis facing our state and nation. Attendees will be informed of the a...

Privilege: The Challenge for White Social Workers and Counselors

Former title: The Culturally Woke Social Worker. It is a social worker’s role to become ‘woke’ to cultural differences and systems of racial oppression in order to have essential co...

Pro-Active Anger Management

As our society becomes more prone to violence, social workers must be equipped to help our clients gain effective and age-appropriate anger management strategies. Anger can be very difficult to dea...

Psychiatric Vulnerabilities in Older Adults

This webinar will review the common symptoms of major psychiatric illnesses and how they may manifest themselves in the older adult. This will include affective disorders, particularly depression, a...

Psychopharmacology for People with Co-Occurring Diagnoses

Former title: Basic Psychopharmacology for People with Co-Occurring Diagnoses. This webinar takes a look at best practice as it applies to prescribing (or not prescribing) psychotropic medications fo...

Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Treatments for Child and Adolescent Disorders

This two-day webinar addresses current treatment models for child and adolescent disorders. Topics include: 1) similarities and differences across the major models of intervention, including psychody...

Reversing Parental Burnout

Current research shows that 66% of working parents are experiencing burnout leading to increased child maltreatment, parental conflict, suicidal ideation and substance abuse. Participants will learn ...

Run for the Hills, It's Alive! The Personal and Practice Implication of the Family as a Living Emotional System

Bowen family systems theory postulates that the family is a living emotional system where the behavior of each family member both simultaneously contributes to and reflects what is occurring in the f...

Senior Bullying: How to Live Harmoniously with Challenging People

The phenomenon of bullying is not just limited to school age children but is also prevalent in the older adult community. One in five seniors experience verbal aggression from caregivers or fellow r...

Shame: The Master Emotion

Unaddressed shame has destructive consequences for individuals, for families and for communities. Shame can cause and exacerbate depression, anxiety, addictions, criminal activity, aggression and cod...

Should Psychotherapy Be Fun? Let's Talk About Dopamine

There are many goals of psychotherapy including managing difficult feelings, dealing with trauma, and making healthier behavioral choices. This webinar explores mechanisms of healing including uti...

Social Emotional Skills for Social Workers

This three-hour webinar offers social workers at any stage in their careers to claim their role as lifelong learners in their own social, emotional learning. This webinar will explore the social, emo...

Social Media's Influence on Self-Harm Behaviors and Self-Regulation

This webinar will begin with an introduction to how social media influences both self-esteem and self-regulating behaviors. We will then move into examining various social media outlets. Newer soci...

Social Media: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly from a Social Work Perspective

This webinar will examine the impact social media, music, and advertising have on today's society. Overexposure to certain media outlets can influence how people develop their value system and how th...

Social Work, Ethics, and Professional Responsibility

This webinar will examine the ethical and professional responsibilities that social workers have to their clients, to their colleagues and to the profession. Topics will include confidentiality and e...

Starting Out: From Diagnosis to Early Childhood

Formerly titled: Starting out: From Diagnosis to Early Childhood. Involvement with service systems for individuals with developmental disabilities begins for some families when their children are in...

Strategies for Managing Behaviors in Adoptive Families

The primary focus of work with traumatized children is to teach and support them to learn new ways of effectively managing their emotions and behaviors. In this interactive/skill based webinar, clin...

Suicide Assessment from a Lifespan Perspective

This webinar will use a lifespan approach to suicide assessment. Participants will get an overview of current suicide assessment techniques for use with different populations, from children to the e...

Suicide Prevention in School Settings: Identification and Intervention

This webinar is designed to help school social workers, school counselors, and teachers understand their role in identifying students at risk for suicide. In this webinar risk factors and indicators ...

Supporting Clients and Coworkers During Life Transitions

This workshop explores the different types of loss experienced by clients and coworkers: death, divorce, brain injury, domestic violence, abandonment, illness, ending relationships, sports injuries,...

The Birth Order Blues: Understanding Sibling Position Strengths, Blind Spots, and Liabilities

The Bowen family systems theory concept of Sibling Position asserts that people who grow up in the same sibling position in families tend to have important common characteristics. For example, oldest...

The Co-Creation of Squeaky Wheel Kids and Developing Reality-Based Relationships with our Children

A child's degree of relationship dependence is a product of forces that promote and undermine that child's emotional separation from the family. According to Bowen family systems theory, when parent...

The Community Empowerment Model

The (CEM) Community Empowerment Model is a model utilizing existing systems and infrastructures to develop a comprehensive approach to addressing social issues. Traditional models often start with th...

The Dynamics of Addiction, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

It is clear that all forms of abuse are destructive. This webinar will address the interrelationships between addiction, domestic violence and child abuse and the devastating impact they have on all ...

The Effects of Trauma Across the Developmental Spectrum

A traumatic event has dramatic short and long term effects across all stages of human development. In this webinar we will examine these effects on infants, children, adolescents and adults, as well ...

The Ethics and Culture of Victimology

This webinar is designed to highlight some of the current ethical issues in Victimology, including the continuing gender divide in types of victims and the types of crimes committed and how this impa...

The Language of Adoption

Learning to speak a new language is a skill that takes time and practice. When working with families formed by adoption, the words we use make a difference. Utilizing the principles of Object Relatio...

The Law and the LGBTQIA+ Community

Being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, non-binary and intersex communities often requires clients to view who they are and what their rights are as defined by law. A general understanding of ...

The Neurobiology of Trauma/PTSD

The overall goal of this webinar is for practitioners to understand that the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not merely a psychosocial phenomenon and to be better able to prov...

The Neuroscience of Optimal Well-Being: Reducing Stress, Resolving Trauma, Recovering Resilience

Formerly title: Generating Ease in Troubled Times: Lessons from Neuroscience. Breakthroughs in the field of neuroscience are giving us validation that the brain, body, mind and spirit are int...

The Opioid Crisis in NJ: Current Trends and Evidence-Based Treatment Options

This interactive webinar will discuss the latest developments and trends regarding natural opiates, semi-synthetic opioids, and synthetic opioids. Participants will be able to identify national and l...

The Psychology of Adoption

This webinar sets the stage for the Clinical Certificate Program in Adoption. The focus will be on contemporary trends in adoption and the psychological benefits and risks associated with adoption. O...

The Road to Emotional Maturity has No Fast Lane: Towards Becoming a More Inner-Directed Self

Most people want their decision-making and day-to-day behavior guided by a conscious set of well thought-out stances or principles. Perplexed by their own limitations in executing such thoughtful be...

This is a Time of Suffering: Comforting Ourselves through Self-Compassion

There is no denying that this time in our history is one of the most stressful in our lifetime. Prolonged exposure to stress is scientifically proven to be detrimental to our physical and emotional ...

Trauma Informed Person-Centered Care: Turning Compassion into Empowerment

Formerly titled: Trauma Informed Person Centered Care. As various systems, including mental health and criminal justice services, strive to support those we work with to achieve their goals, we are r...

Trauma Risk and Recovery

Individuals with Developmental Disabilities are likely to experience some form of trauma during their lifetime. There is often a failure to recognize the effects of trauma on people with DD and the s...

Treatment of Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Geared toward professionals providing clinical services, this dynamic webinar presents clinical information on working with and treating adult survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA). As a result of t...

Triggered in Sessions? Tools to Handle Delicate Situations

All clinicians occasionally experience reactions or countertransference when working with a particular client. This webinar offers guidance and a toolkit to be used in the management of delicate mome...

Understanding and Meeting the Unique Needs of Kinship Families

Formerly titled: Kinship Adoption. This webinar will explore the unique issues and life style changes that kinship caregivers experience as a temporary stay of a child turns in to a permanent placeme...

Understanding and Using the DSM-5-TR and Associated Diagnostic Processes

Revisions made to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, version 5 (DSM5) include more emphasis on culture, race and language as these terms relate to diagnostic processes. This workshop will review ...

Understanding Self-Harming Behavior: Using the Lens of Trauma

The purpose of this webinar is to reframe self-harming behavior within the lens of traumatic re-enactment. By increasing our ability to apply what we know about how trauma influences thoughts, feelin...

Understanding the Immigration Process and Supporting Immigrant Families through Traumatic Experiences for Staff and Community Partners

Formerly titled: Understanding the Immigration Process and Supporting Immigrant Families through their Traumatic Experiences. This is a 2 day webinar and registrants must attend both days. Immigran...

Violence Against Women in Diverse Populations

Recognizing the critical impact that issues of race, culture, sexual orientation, religious identity, ability and other diverse identities has on victims' experiences of violence, this webinar provid...

Virtual Liberatory Consciousness Framework Conference

The Virtual Liberatory Consciousness Framework Conference hosted by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work will allow those in attendance to learn how faculty, staf...

Waiting for the Mud to Settle: Mindfulness as a Coping Strategy During Chaotic Times

During times of uncertainty and chaos, feelings of fear, anxiety, overwhelm and grief are likely to rise to the surface and dominate our awareness. Mindfulness involves focusing awareness and non-ju...

What Every (New) Supervisor Needs to Know

Becoming a new supervisor or hope to someday? Looking for concrete information and helpful tools to be successful in this role? This three-part non-clinical supervision series will educate participan...

What's the Difference? Differential Diagnoses in Adolescents

Formerly titled: Principles of Differential Diagnoses in Adolescents. This two-day webinar will distinguish the major diagnostic categories that affect adolescents and learn how to more accurately di...

Wherever I Go, There I am (Eventually): Repercussions of Escaping an "Impossible" Family

Emotional cutoff, a Bowen family systems theory concept, describes how unresolved emotional issues with parents, siblings, and other family members are managed by reducing or totally cutting off emot...

Working with Trauma: Understanding Vicarious Trauma, Vicarious Resilience, and the Importance of Self-Care

Formerly title: Self Care in Trauma Work. Trauma affects everyone it touches. Working with trauma survivors and ongoing exposure to traumatic material puts professionals and their supervisors...

Working with Undocumented Clients: Addressing the Myths and Understanding the Challenges

Many immigrants living in the US have experienced unique stressors that have significantly shaped their lives. This webinar will explore the myths about undocumented immigrants, leading to a better u...

Yoga for Emotional Regulation and Resilience

In this three hour webinar, participants will learn yoga and mindfulness based interventions that aid in bolstering resilience and help tolerate distress. Participants will gain an understanding of t...